Salt Spreader
Why buy Discount Snow Poles?
- 5/16" Thick vs. Standard 1/4" Size
- Highly Visible Orange Shaft
- Durable and Flexible
- Reflective Panels
- Easy to Use
- Reinforced Cap

Our premium salt spreader covers protect your spreaders from the elements. They are one size fits all and a must to keep your equipment in top condition and working at its best.
Over sized Pneumatic Rubber Tires for superior stability and traction through all surfacesEasy to Use Rate setting control on handle for precise adjustments and convenience
Complete Stainless Steel frame, impeller shaft, axle and assemblies for extended durability
Heavy Duty Aluminum Gear * to protect against rust and debris
Excellent corrosion resistance.
Professional High Quality multi use
Majority Assembly Upgrade Included
Body Size (inches): 46.06" x 27.165" x 36.41"
Unit Weight: 28.66 pounds
Rust Proof Poly Hopper Capacity: 100 pounds
Pneumatic air filled Tires for Superior Traction on Wet or Icy SurfacesEasy to Use Handle Mounted Rate Setting Control
Large opening to allow for easy flow of material
80 lb Hopper Capacity
Excellent Corrosion resistance
Majority Assembly Upgrade Included
Body Size (inches): 44.09" x 28.94" x29.13"
Unit weight: 31.305 pounds
Rust Proof Poly Hopper Capacity : 80 pound