Traffic & Construction Safety DevicesT of Northern GreenTech
Northern GreenTech
"We want to make the world a safer place to live, by providing you our traffic & construction safety devices."
Our Products Are Environmentally Friendly
In addition to offering safe and durable parking lot safety solutions, Our Company creates products that are conscious of and friendly to the environment. Every year, we eliminate millions of tires that would otherwise be sitting in landfills. Creating new and useful products from used rubber tires is one of the many ways to make use of scrap tires while promoting a healthier environment.
All rubber products are made from 100% post-consumer recycled truck tires.
Did You Know?
- Approximately 1 tire is discarded per person per year!
- According to the EPA, in 2003 there were approximately 275 million scrap tires in stockpiles in the United States alone
- As of 2003, markets existed for 80.4% of all scrap tires, or about 233 million tires per year
- Buildings use 40% of raw materials globally (3 billion tons annually)
- The EPA estimates that 136 million tons of building-related construction and demolition (C&D) debris was generated in the US in a single year
- Buildings represent 39% of U.S. primary energy use (includes fuel input for production)
- Buildings are one of the heaviest consumers of natural resources and account for a significant portion of the greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change. In the US , buildings account for 39% of all CO2 emissions
- By 2009, 80% of corporate America is expected to be engaged in green at least 16% of the time, and 20% will be engaged in green 60% of the time

Our Vision is to make the world a safer place to live. Honesty and Integrity will provide true care of our customers, and Pride of reward will be earned by providing our service of excellence. Northern GreenTech endeavors to be respected by genuinely participating in the well-being of the safe environment. We are socially responsible to our country by respecting green and recycling trends and providing safe and recycled traffic products.
The Northern GreenTech is to provide the "Best of the Best" traffic products and services and help create safe and secure working environments. We proudly represent made in U.S. high quality traffic products and equipment, and we offer superior service and low prices you can't resist.
Northern GreenTech reliably provides its customers with safety products at competitive prices. We integrate the interests and objectives of long term devoted services to reward our customers for their contribution to safety of the work environment. We always strive to provide the best service which will be delivered by a motivated team. These results depend on your contribution to the safety of our environment by utilizing traffic safety products. By staying on the cutting edge of product innovation, our traffic products lead the industry by continuing to bring new and improved products to market.