Premium Soft Carpets & Tiles

2'x 2' x 5/8" (14mm), 12 Colors
Inside piece with two detachable Corner / Boarder edges
W&M Master Carton 25 pieces (100sq.ft) 26" x 26" x 16", 42 lbs.
W&M Partial Carton 1 piece (4sq. ft) 26" x 26" x 0.64", 1.68 lbs.
or 10 pieces (40 sq. ft.) 26" x 26" x 6.40", 16.80 lbs

A perfect combination of durability and comfort for Residential, Commercial, or Industrial applications. Premium Soft Carpets are closed cell EVA Foam Rubber bonded to PP commercial carpet that is lightweight, portable, waterproof, soundproof, aerobic, shock absorbent, insulating, etc.